Jerry's Blogs

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

On Sh!+#y S1t3s (Shitty Sites)

I'm constantly amazed by the level of incompetence I run across for sites I expect to do better.

  • TMobile - Damn you and your non-functional browser dependent javascript submissions. I tried and failed to change myFaves using Safari. I thought the whole point of Faves was to cater to young people? I would imagine there'd be at least say, oh a few young folks, who use Macs. But then again, you probably gave Catherine Zeta Jones all you money, so you couldn't pay the extra 10 g's to make a freaking site that works. Update: There is one nice feature where they use a clever width and fill css trick to display the number of minutes used. Unfortunately, this is cancelled out by the fact that returning to the main page after login forces you to re-login again.
  • I-131 Electronic Form - This was a pleasant surprise followed by a laughably funny form wizard. The I-131 is a government form for applying for a reentry permit. First of all, finding this wizard was non-trivial, and I only came across it by luck. When I started it, it would take you through a series of screens of questions. My favorite part was how it would give a deathly scary big bold red warning when you failed to enter your middle initial. When did middle initials become required?
  • Golds Gym - This little gem is subtle yet deadly (to my wallet). I signed up for a summer package while I was in Austin. Halfway through, I asked how to cancel and was given a single option: fill in a form, mail it in, wait 30 days and pray. Well, I must've forgotten to pray because 30 days later I get an automatic charge on my credit card. What's worse is that when I look on the site or call in, there's no web system to cancel membership! You have to once again: snail mail, or fax, or email. The email doesn't sound so bad until you realize it isn't an automated system, but rather you email a team of underpaid workers actually reading your request and 'reviewing your case'. It doesn't matter how sweet your customer support phone person sounds. Golds Gym, you take the cake for shittiest customer care.



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